Public Relations: A Relationship Well Worth the Trouble

9 02 2010

As you are already well aware, our world operates in cycles. The Stock market has ups and downs as does the Real Estate market. We have good days and we have bad ones. And as for business in general, whether you own a small or a larger one, you are subject to the same cyclical nature. So how do you sell more during rougher times? What is important to your target market when it comes to persuading them to wager on your products or services? In this article, we will briefly discuss the importance of an often neglected marketing tool that your brand and messaging can surely take advantage of- Public Relations.

A Quickie on PR

Public Relations is strongly related to what the public’s perception of your company comprises. Whether it’s the public’s perception of your products, services, promotions, or ideological standing, how you present yourself (and how often you bless your market with new offerings or messages) has a huge impact on your bottom line. This is a universal truth that all who desire to market to an audience share, whether you aspire to be the best shoe salesman in your firm or the next President of the United States.

If you’re a fan of Apple and its innovative and creative marketing and products, here’s a “Steve Job’s” spin on the notion of Public Relations- PR is an “art form,” as with most things in life, and one that you surely should plan on mastering as one of the most important and effective marketing tools (in particular, Guerrilla Marketing). With a quality, flexible, and innovative product or service, hiring a great sales team can only go so far without proper marketing (PR) and branding. The latter is what really entices and interacts with your target audience.